Saturday, May 4, 2013

What to Expect When You're Expecting (2012)

What to Expect When You're Expecting is inspired by the pregnancy guide of the same name. It follows along the relationships of five different couples and their experiences of becoming parents. There are many familiar faces in this movie. Most notably Cameron Diaz (Jules), Jennifer Lopez(Holly), and Elizabeth Banks (Wendy). All of the familiar faces, leaves this movie feeling crowded; or maybe there are just too many relationships to watch. You want to see more of Wendy's story and less of Holly's and Jules'.

When it comes down to it, this movie wasn't very much about teaching anyone what to expect. Wendy comes closest to the concept of the book, but she simply has too many other characters to share screen time with. Prior to watching it, you're anticipating the movie will be a funny and somewhat accurate portrayal of pregnancy and its symptoms; instead, you get the typical story of relationship problems surrounded by a lot bulging bellies.

There were a couple of tear welling moments and a few LOL ones too. Craig, played by Thomas Lennon, is probably the funniest character of the ensemble, next to Wendy.

The casting of Ben Falcone as Gary is really distracting. He looks too old to be Dennis Quaid's son.

Cameron Diaz looks terrible, none of her scenes are funny, and she isn't likeable.

The "dude's" Saturday meet-up is entertaining and the actors play very well off each other. The kid Jordan, played by Reginald and Resan Womack, is hilarious.

In the end, they should've focused the story around Wendy and her symptoms and completely cut out Jules and Holly.

In addition, this movie must have been focused for the female audience because there were *ahem* multiple actors that were pleasing to the eye. Just something minor I noticed. ;)

On a scale of 1-10, What to Expect When You're Expecting: 7.0

Scene Spotlight: 1. Wendy, Janice, and the cell phone. 2. The dude's group introduction.

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