Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Exam (2009)

Another one for the Netflix obsessed! Exam is about an exam, obviously; but the movie is more like a riddle. You find yourself speaking out loud giving your ideas on what should be done. It's probably a lot more fun to watch this movie with someone so that you can express your ideas, but honestly you would end up talking to yourself if you were watching it alone.

With the exception of the one character without a British accent, the acting is pretty decent. No one stands out yet everyone is noticeable.

Mild spoiler ahead...

If there is one thing this movie is missing, it's the lack of definition about the current state of the world. They gloss over the desperation and desire for the available position. There is room for more clarity on the subject through dialogue but even a simple paragraph in the introduction of the movie would be sufficient. Other than that, this movie is fun and not at all scary and barely suspenseful.

It's sometimes difficult to watch movies without many scenery changes. 'Exam' does leave a few unfulfilled wishes but only in the sense that the overarching story leads you to daydream about the possible world the candidates live in.

One thing I would highly recommend is to play along with the movie. Guess who will be the first and who will be the last. It's a terrific ride.

Exam is another hidden gem in the Netflix library!

On a scale of 1-10; Exam is 7.0

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