Intriguing story. A group of seemingly random people disappear at different times over the course of several decades. One day, 4400 of them, reappear together on a lake. They all look exactly the same as they did when they disappeared. As they attempt to adjust, we start to see that some of them have unique abilities.
The acting takes a little getting used to. It's a tad on the cheesy side, but you get over it fairly quickly. I'm not sure if the actors get better with each episode or if you're just too engrossed in the story to notice it anymore.
There are literally jaw dropping moments in almost every episode. Episode 3 has a particularly scary concept involving a serial killer reappearing, with the 4400, after 20 years.
Episode 4 introduces a new character that looks incredibly similar to the lead 4400 detective, Tom Baldwin. It's confusing because you initially think it's Tom when it's actually Warren Lytell, an investigator from D.C. It's crazy to have two people in the same show who look almost identical to not be related in some way. Tom Baldwin is played by Joel Gretsch and Warren Lytell is played by Mark Valley. Do a google image search on both of them and you will see what I mean.
Season 1 is short; only 5 episodes. If you like mysterious scifi, alien abductions, X-Men type powers, etc. you will find this entertaining.
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