For such an entertaining series, the final season isn't worth the film time. The first half starts out okay. Then there's a major shift with no satisfying explanation. No more crazy lunatic dying vampires, no more danger, no more action, and not a single creature other than vampires; no werewolves, shape shifters, la fay (other than Sookie), telepaths, witches...they just disappear from the story. There is a disconnect with all the characters and their stories. Tara's end story is down right embarrassing.
There is such a big focus on wrapping up Sookie's story, the entire season suffers. Although the True Blood series is based on the book series named after her, the show did a good job early on to get other characters involved. True Blood became more than just Sookie, but the final season doesn't respect their previous work.
Season 7 is by far the most disappointing of the entire series. It's like the entire cast, crew, writers, and producers all gave up prior to filming and droned through the final season out of contractual obligation. The main cause is the writing. It's just down right lazy.
You're better off stopping after season 6 and creating your own ending within your imagination.
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